Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I went to japan, osaka ; tokyo, so i have not been updating. and im also too lazy. and people are scolding me on my tag board. so yeah. im updating now. jap trip was fun. universal studio was okay. disneyland ROCKED. and the food they served was okay too. the teachers gave me STRESS. i will not elaborate. because i dont feel like it. and i dont want to blame them all. haha. and fine. i'll try to start updating again. and deon, germaine, shuenlin and all the other people. you dont have to JUMP DOWN MY THROAT just because i havent been updating. sheesh. and after i come back i didnt feel well. had a slight fever sore throat bad cough. x_X then on saturday. i went to zhen hui b day party. i went there at 3. and she came at 4. WTH? how can the host be 1 hour late. and later at her party i didnt feel well. so i was resting. and then SOMEONE whose name i shall not state. whacked me on the head while i was resting and they were playing whacko. it hurt like HELL. you stupid dumbass. idiot. and i know my attitude is changing. so shut up. (: and im bored. and the gift i got zhen hui and clar is the same. clar didnt go to the party so i passed it to germ who will in turn pass it to clar. and i think germ will scold me for shortening her name the wrong way. i already finished the disneyland cookies. left one more box. and i havent given out the keychains. dunno who to give to. and i know people will say give to me after they read this. i know your minds. i will NOT give it to you. im feeling tired. and bored. and tired. and i dont feel like updating. and tomorrow i have tuition. dont feel like going. hah. have been playing games. xuan yi is ACCUSING me of IGNORING her. its cause im playing my game! is it a crime to forget to change to busy once in a while? i know some of you do. and jerry im going to link you after i write finish my post. and i havent finished my reflection of teachers for the trip. GAH. i'll never finish. end of post!
i was watching you at 5:39 PM
ima boy
im 12
and thats all you need to know
Chuan Sheng, Denyse, Grace, Deon
Xuan Yi, Marcus, Shuen Lin
and all my other friends
Wen Chao
and everything else i hate
~ Eternity ~
* *
Finally created a blog
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